- (
Crossword Puzzle Maker
...Makes creating a crossword puzzle quick and easy
Regex Crossword
...Welcome to the fantastic world of nerdy regex fun
Online Puzzles and Competitions
...Play our new range of online puzzles, hone your skills with our puzzle tutorials
Brain Boosters
...lateral thinking, logic etc
Brain Den
...Logic Puzzles
Brain Fun
...Brain Teasers, Puzzles, Games & more
Brain Teasers
Brain Teasers
Brain Teasers & Brain Games
Brain Teasers and Games with a Neuroscience Angle
...A selection of the 50 Brain Teasers that people have enjoyed
...Brain Teasers, Riddles, Trivia, Brain Exercises
Brain Metrix
Buoyancy Brainteasers
Gamequarium Brain Teasers
Games for the Brain
Mathematical Brain Teasers and Puzzles
...Play brain games, free puzzle games and create your own game!
Sharp Brains
...The best science-based information and guidance for Brain Health and Fitness
Crossword Puzzles
Oct 16 -
Regex Crossword
...Welcome to the fantastic world of nerdy regex fun
The Crossword Network
...Free Crosswords - Online Crossword Compiler
Internet Scrabble Club
Prognosticate game
SCRABBLE + Logology
Scrabble Help
Scrabble Rack
Akiyoshi's Illusions
BrainDen Optical illusions
...Several types of optical illusions sorted into detailed categories
Exploratorium Illusions
Eye Tricks
...optical illusions
llusion Sciences
...A new illusion every week
Mighty Optical Illusions
Optical Illusions
Optical Illusions
Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena
Planet Perplex Illusions
Sandlot Science Optical Illusions
IQ Tests
High IQ Society
IQ League
...Try the 60 second IQ test
IQ Test
IQ Test
IQ Tests
...An IQ in the range of 90 to 110 is considered average
IQ Test
IQ Testing Lab
Majon's Online IQ Test
...IQ tests, puzzles, games, trivia etc
Logic & Math Puzzles
Conceptis Puzzles
...The home of logic puzzles
Fun Logic Puzzles
...Some simple recreational logic puzzles. See if you can solve them!
Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles
Logic Puzzles
...require no particular knowledge and can be solved using logic alone
Math and Logic Problems Galore
...Word problems, puzzles, and ancient games like Nonograms to logic brain teasers
Math Goodies Word Searches
Mathematical Puzzles
...for the mathematically adept
Maths Puzzle
Nick's Mathematical Puzzles
Problem Corner
Project Euler
...A series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems
Pythagorean Puzzle
The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever
...see for yourself!
Who keeps the Fish?
100 Interesting Mathematical Problems, Exercises, Puzzles, and Diversions
Caerdroia - Journal of Mazes and Labyrinths
Click Mazes
Great Mazes
Jo Edkins' Maze Page
Logic Mazes
The Maze
World Maze Database
Mensa Australia
Mensa Canada
Mensa Puzzles
Mensa Workout
Miscellaneous Sites
...a gymnasium for your Brain
Auto Puzzles
BrainsBreaker Online Jigsaws
Card Trick Central
Codebreaking and Secret Weapons in WWII
Codes and Ciphers
DaVinci Code Quest
...A series of fourteen cryptograms
Decoding Nazi Secrets
Edgar Allan Poe Cryptographic Challenge
Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
Filmwise Invisibles
Mentat Wiki
...A collaborative environment for exploring ways to become a better thinker
...Magically makes a rebus of anything you type
Pharaoh's Pump
Riddle Nut
Secrets of the Mind
The Great Enigma Challenge
The Problem Site
...Ever-growing collection of free online jigsaw puzzles
Puzzle Pages
A1 Puzzles and Crosswords
...Interactive Crosswords, Puzzles
AIMS Puzzle Corner
Archimedes Laboratory
Bambam's Puzzlesite
Bits & Pieces Puzzle Arcade
Break the Code
Classic Puzzles
Clifford Pickover's Page
...puzzles within
Combination Lock
Conundrum of the Month
CR Puzzles
Eluzions Puzzles
...Wide variety of mental challenges
Erich's Puzzle Palace
...Kill some time with games that are intellectually stimulating
Games Magazine
...Consumer magazine featuring a wide variety of verbal and visual puzzles, brainteasers, trivia quizzes, etc
Games & Puzzles
How to Make Puzzles
Inside Japans Puzzle Palace
Jason Zahn Game Show
Jed's List of Situation Puzzles
Ken's Puzzle of the Week
Lateral Puzzles
Lateral Thinking Puzzles
Lesson Corner Puzzle Makers
...For Teachers and Homeschoolers who want to make engaging handouts for vocabulary building exercises
Lovatt's Online Puzzles
...crosswords etc
Matthew's World of 20KB Puzzle Programs
Microsoft Puzzle Collection
Mind Breakers
National Puzzlers' League
Online Puzzles and Competitions
...Play our new range of online puzzles, hone your skills with our puzzle tutorials
Overture Facile puzzle
Pennypress Dell Magazines
...Free puzzles and more every day Puzzles
Ponder This
Puzzability Puzzles
Puzzle Choice
Puzzle Connection
Puzzle Crypt
Puzzle Games
...Play Online Puzzle Games, Jigsaw Puzzles Games, Sudoku Puzzle Games and Popular Games in Your Free Time!
Puzzle Maker
...Create and print customized word search, crossword and math puzzles
Puzzle Pirates
Puzzle Playground
Puzzle Pointers
Puzzle World
Puzzles for the Avid Consumer
Puzzling Adventures: Sir Birnie's Will
...How a 14-year-old solved the mystery of an apparently miserly grandfather
Sam Loyd's Cyclopedia of 5000 Puzzles
Sam Loyd's Fifteen Puzzle
Sound Puzzles
The Cyclopedia of Puzzles
The Einstein Puzzle
The Grey Labyrinth
The Puzzle Club
The Puzzle Depot
The Puzzle Society
...Games to maintain your brain
The Puzzler
The Puzzling World of Barry R. Clarke
The rec.puzzles Archive
The Set Daily Puzzle
...And other various puzzles
The Ultimate Puzzle Site
Three Puzzles from Martin Gardner
...Here's a taste of the kinds of puzzles he was famous for bringing to the world
Tim's World of Puzzles
Web Puzzler
Wei-Hwa's Puzzle Challenges
What is it? puzzles
...word puzzles
World Puzzle Championship History
123 Puzzle Games
2000 World Puzzle Championships Selections
Quizzes & Tests
Art History Quiz
Barbarian's Online Test Page
Free Quizzes
Games, Puzzles, Quizzes, Tests
Geometry Quizzes
...Visit JetPunk for the world's best quizzes, with new quizzes released every day
Jung Typology Test
Personality Quiz
Personality Test Center
Psychology Tests
Quiz Factor
...Fun, fascinating and free quiz site where you can test your knowledge and challenge your friends
Quiz Hub
...Quizify is a flashcard-style program to help with studying
Quizzes for All Ages
The AHA! Science Quiz
The Daily Quizshow
The Google Maps Quiz
UN Quizzes
Wait Wait-Don't Tell Me!
World Quiz League
World's Smallest Political Quiz
916 Test
...good luck!
Rebus Puzzles
Puzzle Soup
Rebus Puzzles
...word picture puzzles
Rebus Puzzle Brainteasers
...word picture puzzles
How to Solve a Rubik's Cube
...If you read this method, that's it, you will never have solved it thanks to your wits
How to Solve the Rubik's Cube
...Make one twist and then make another
Rubik Online
Rubik's Cube
Rubik’s Cube Solution
Solving Rubiks Cube
Solving Rubik's Cube for Speed
...This is a tutorial for a method of solving Rubik's Cube
Pi Day Sudoku Puzzle
... Fill in the grid so that each row, column, and jigsaw region contains 1-9 exactly once and ? three times
Fiendish Sudoku
All Trivia Game
Cascoly Online Trivia Games
Fibonacci Flim Flam
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section
Fun Trivia
Harper's Index
Highest, Lowest, Deepest
Historical Trivia
Trivia Cafe
Trivia Challenge
Trivia Page
Trivia Web
80's Trivia
Wooden Puzzles
Mr Puzzle Australia
MGC Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles
...custom made
Word Puzzles
Fake Out!
Free Word Search Puzzles
John's Word Search Puzzles
...from Arthur Bloch
Numbers & Word Puzzles
Online Word Search
...Online Word Search is a website where you can play word find games
The Enigma Device
Todays Encrypted Quote & Contest
Word Game of the Day
Word Puzzle Contests
WordWays Puzzler
...Can you fill in the blanks with no hints?
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